
HydroErr.HydroErr.nrmse_range(simulated_array, observed_array, replace_nan=None, replace_inf=None, remove_neg=False, remove_zero=False)

Compute the range normalized root mean square error between the simulated and observed data.


Range: 0 ≤ NRMSE < inf.

Notes: This metric is the RMSE normalized by the range of the observed time series (x). Normalizing allows comparison between data sets with different scales. The NRMSErange is the most sensitive to outliers of the three normalized rmse metrics.

  • simulated_array (one dimensional ndarray) – An array of simulated data from the time series.
  • observed_array (one dimensional ndarray) – An array of observed data from the time series.
  • replace_nan (float, optional) – If given, indicates which value to replace NaN values with in the two arrays. If None, when a NaN value is found at the i-th position in the observed OR simulated array, the i-th value of the observed and simulated array are removed before the computation.
  • replace_inf (float, optional) – If given, indicates which value to replace Inf values with in the two arrays. If None, when an inf value is found at the i-th position in the observed OR simulated array, the i-th value of the observed and simulated array are removed before the computation.
  • remove_neg (boolean, optional) – If True, when a negative value is found at the i-th position in the observed OR simulated array, the i-th value of the observed AND simulated array are removed before the computation.
  • remove_zero (boolean, optional) – If true, when a zero value is found at the i-th position in the observed OR simulated array, the i-th value of the observed AND simulated array are removed before the computation.

The range normalized root mean square error value.

Return type:



>>> import HydroErr as he
>>> import numpy as np
>>> sim = np.array([5, 7, 9, 2, 4.5, 6.7])
>>> obs = np.array([4.7, 6, 10, 2.5, 4, 7])
>>> he.nrmse_range(sim, obs)


  • Pontius, R.G., Thontteh, O., Chen, H., 2008. Components of information for multiple resolution comparison between maps that share a real variable. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 15(2) 111-142.